Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Alive and Well

The 90's are are alive and well.

music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Nirvana
director/videographer/editor: Hannah Hughes

(this project was created for the class Multimedia and Installation Art at the University of Tampa)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

it's a lifestyle (Video-Mapping Installation)

cheeseburgers are #1

(this project was created for the class Multimedia and Installation Art at the University of Tampa)

models: Tony Marsh, Rebecca Yu, Kayden Rodriguez, Jana Graves, Harrison Covington, Emily Shultzee
director/editor: Hannah Hughes

cheeseburger photo: http://dsmaipc1fg2ox.cloudfront.net/assets/image/cheeseburger.png?20

sound: group3.mp3 (found online for public)