Sunday, September 28, 2014

logo: hhughes photo

this is the final design of the logo for my photography company 'hhughes photo.' i am actually going to be using this logo on my website and i will be using just the writing as a watermark. i wanted to keep the design simple and classic while still having a personal touch. i used a black square to make the writing pop as much as possible and i used my own handwriting for the words. it looks like it is an extremely easy logo to make but it ended up being harder than i had anticipated. it was hard to get all of the letters to look exactly the way that i wanted. i also went through a number of different arrangements of the design before ultimately coming up with this one. i chose to stick with a black and white color scheme because it is eye catching without being too distracting. when you zoom out it is still surprisingly easy to read because the white really pops. to use it as a watermark i will just get rid of the black square and change the color of the words to black with a low opacity. i didn't use any references during the process of making the logo, i just tested a bunch of my handwriting and a number of different arrangements until i came up with what would be the most aesthetically pleasing. i hope you like it as much as i do!

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